Under The Cue
Under The Cue
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Birthday Dinner etc.
When I got home my husband wanted to know if I had brought him something to eat. I hadn't so we went to get him a steak sandwich at Chuck House. They make the best chicken fried steak sandwich and dinners.
My husband wanted me to go look at some steal posts on a neighbors patio cover. We are planning making a patio cover on our patio. Our patio is on the West side of the house and is VERY hot in the summer. I liked the posts on the neighbors patio cover because they are made of steal and won't have to be replaced like wood will. He said that he would go to some junk yard and try to find steal posts. Then he said that he wanted to find a man who used to work with him that builds patio covers. He also said that this man might be able to help him replace our roof. Glory. I was so happy to hear that. Our roof is soooooo bad. Well, not sooooooo bad but bad enough. I can't wait to have it replaced. I think I'll sleep a lot better when it's done. I'd like to have one of the new steal roofs but I'm sure that would cost more than my current mortgage.
I had someone come out and give me an estimate on some new windows. They said that I would be very happy and surprised at the price. He said he would be my new best friend. Well, the price was not cheap. It would cost $5,487.77. That's cheap??? Not with my bank account. Or should I say the lack of a bank account. If windows are $5,487.77 and a roof $4,000.00 and central heat and air are $3,500.00 and a patio cover is $350.00, That totals $13,337.77. For that amount of money plus my current mortgage I could buy a new house. Well, maybe not a new house but one with fewer problems.
I don't think I'll be doing a lot to this old house right now. I will do what I can when I can but with the TAX KING in office I'll have to hope we still have a home. Here's to making money. The Feds make money out of nothing but paper and ink. Maybe we can too? Really I just want to make money the honest way and wish the Federal Government would do the same. Get a job and leave me alone. If all the senators and representatives had to work for a living they wouldn't have so much time to try to figure out how to rob me of my money. I hope they are all sent packing next election day. All those who stab the American people in the back have the blood of this country on their hands. I just hope they hit the big pit before I do so I can see them go down. God grant me my request. Make the very trap they set for us the poor people be the traps they fall into themselves.
Indictments of Obama's front-runner to replace Souter.
These moderate tendencies may explain why some liberals are not cheering her nomination; justices like Sotomayor are not likely to offer the fast track to sweeping change that these activists want. Asked at her 1997 confirmation hearings by then-Senator John Ashcroft if she would "read additional rights into the constitution, like a right for homosexual conduct on the part of a prisoner," Sotomayor responded: "I cannot do it, sir. I cannot do it because it is so contrary to what I am as a lawyer and as a judge. The constitution is what it is. We cannot read rights into" the constitution or its amendments.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Arrogant Men
I don't know this man from a total stranger. I might not even recognize him if I met him on the street. He had just asked me if I and my mother would like tea or coffee. Then when he brought my mother her coffee he asked me if I would go out with him. My mother was filling her plate at the buffet, thankfully. If she had heard him she would have thrown the coffee in his face. Reflecting later I remembered a little saying, "Coffee, tea, or me?" It seems to fit this situation. In essence that is what he was saying.
Makes my skin crawl knowing there are jerks out there who are so bold that they feel free to come on to any woman they pass by. He must be very arrogant to think that a woman who doesn't even know his name would say yes to such a proposal. He could be seriously ill. Like with AIDS or with any number of other sexually transmitted diseases. He could be an ax murderer or an X-convict. He could have a split personality, schizophrenia, or he could be a sociopath. Or he could just be a black racists man who wanted to score points by making a white woman uncomfortable while she was eating dinner. I already have one too many black men in my life. Namely, BO.
I remember years ago when I was going to a new job I parked my car outside the place and started to walk in. A lady sitting in a car outside the business stopped me and asked me if I were the new employee. I said yes. She told me she was the manager's wife. Then she told me a story about him I won't forget. It seemed very unusual that she would be telling me such a private matter because I didn't know her. I know why she told me now.
The story goes like this: One day she was at home with her three children, her husband, and his mother. His mother was visiting. She said that she was making dinner and some boiling rice was on the stove cooking. She said that she said something to embarrass her husband and he picked up the pot of boiling rice and threw it in her face. She said I should be very careful not to do anything to embarrass him or make him mad. I thanked her and told her I would never tell him she had told me. I never told him what she said but some time later he told me the very same exact story. I still didn't tell him I knew about it because his wife told me. I was afraid he would hurt her and her children. This man was from Iran. Ever since the day she told me that story I determined to never have much to do with men from Iran. I just hope she is still alive and not with him.
I read some where that men from Arab countries come here and marry women to have children so they can slowly change this society and culture. They have power over their wives and children. They want to change this country from within slowly. What better way than to brain wash women and the children they have by them. They force the woman to take their religion and then the children must do the same. Look what the new pres wants to do. Change the Constitution. He wants to change from a free society to one like Venezuela has. Chavez is taking over more and more businesses and banks. The pres is following along the footsteps of Chavez. Chavez appears on television constantly and this pres has his daily conferences on television. He is taking over more and more banks and businesses. Will he destroy the whole country so their is nothing left for his children?
What made the pres decide to leave the inmates in Gitmo? Could it be he saw some highly classified documents, video or audio of one or more of them saying they would love to do something to the him? I think so. He seems to be the only person he worries about. He was not worried that the general public would have to deal with people who want to destroy us and this country. What makes me think he cares what happens to us? Hasn't he saddled our children and grandchildren with the most massive debt in the history of the world? Hasn't he signed orders to resume killing innocent unborn babies. Those are the most helpless of us all. Why would I think he cares about the rest of us if he can let tiny babies be butchered? No, he changed his mind to save his own skin. I'm still grateful that he did change his mind. He has made one decision that was good. One in how many?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Truth
One of my sons seems to think I should tell my mother and she has a right to know. He is right but if that causes her too much stress and she has a stroke or heart attack then he is not the one who has to take care of her. I and my husband are taking care of her. It has not been easy when she gets very sick because of her high blood pressure or other health problems. I help her by cooking for her and taking her food. I wash her dishes, help her by shopping for her or when she can walk I take her shopping. I help her with all of her errands. I wash her clothes for her and take them home and sometimes put them away for her. I take her to the doctor,the hospital ER, and for a while physical therapy three times a week. I help her sometimes with her bills. I take her to the bank and out to eat. My son who wants her to know the "truth" calls her on the phone sometimes.
This problem came up before with this son when my mother's brother died. I told my son I would go to her house and tell her in person that her brother had died. He had passed away about midnight and his daughter, my cousin, called me to tell me. I told her I would go and tell my mother in the morning. There was nothing she could do at midnight anyway. She was probably asleep and I thought she needed the sleep more than to feel bad all night. She could face it in the morning. My son called me in the morning and asked if I had told her yet and I told him no, but as soon as I dressed I would go to her house and tell her in person. When I arrived at her house she was on the telephone talking to my son. He had called her to tell her the bad news. I got mad at him and asked him why he had done that. He said she had a right to know. I told him that she is elderly and sick and he should have told her in person and not on the phone. If he had taken the news badly then she could have fallen, had a stroke or something.
Now her right to know is the subject again. But this time she is even sicker than when her brother died. So I called and told my son that I had spoken to a nurse and she said to wait until her doctor says she can be told. Which is true. I had spoken to her nurses supervisor on the phone just before I talked to my son.
My son says I'm trying to be God and control everything. I think he is trying to be God by not considering how hard it would be to hear this bad news. I wonder if my son has some lingering resentment toward my mother that would cause him to not care how it affects her. He says to let God work it out. He thinks God can use this to help her some way. My other son sees it my way.
My brother is ill but he is the one who chose to be away from the family and to not speak to my mother. He has separated himself from her before for seven years. If he doesn't worry about her well being then why should I risk her having a stroke or heart attack just to tell her the truth. What makes his illness more important than hers?
Where does the truth lie?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Flu or What?
Today I went to Sandy's Herbs and picked up some herb combinations. One bottle was VS-C and the other was something for lungs. I opened the bottles and took some right away. I am feeling much better. That feeling of cotton in the head is nearly gone.
Now I have to get busy working on a graphic for a local singers Website. I'm working on a butterfly right now for the design.
Must run. Well, not really run but stop typing this and start working on the design.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
There is only one truth. Yes, people see things from a different perspective but that does not make it true. I was reading in my Bible and came across these verses about people of Israel marrying people who did not believe in God. I was struck with how much our nation has become like Israel that was talked about in these verses. We have married people from other nations who do not believe in God. We have tried to make peace with other peoples and nations who couldn't care a fig about our nation or God. We have given our money to nations who are so far from God it is sad. We have given our sons and daughters to fight in wars to help nations who worship allah.
I was against going to war to help a nation who will no doubt end up trying to harm us. That's nuts. The U.S. helped Osama bin Laden in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. With U.S. government assistance he helped organize the Arab mujahideen. He started the Maktab al-Khidamat to resist the Soviets. When the Soviets withdrew the Maktab al-Khidamat changed to do jihad in Muslim countries. Now this man the U.S. Government helped has returned our kindness and help with burning to death nearly 3,000 people. Those who didn't want to burn to death jumped to their deaths. What ever happened to the man who planned and carried out attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. He's still planning and breathing.
In 1996, bin Laden issued his first fatwa, that called for U.S. soldiers to leave Saudi Arabia. In 1998 a second fatwā was issued by bin Laden where he outlined his objections to U.S. foreign policy with Israel and our troops continued presence in Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War. Bin Laden used Islamic texts to exhort violent action against U.S. military and citizens until his stated grievances are reversed, noting "ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries."
I think we should consider God's word about not joining with people who are underhanded, vile, and obscene, who treat their women like dogs, who chop the heads off of anyone who is not in agreement with them about their god allah, who really do torture people by breaking bones, beating, starving, stoning, burning and any other vile treatment of human beings. This is "CONTROL" to the max.
God of the Bible does not control people to harm them. He lets people chose what they want to do. He never forces anyone to do anything. In the following segment taken from the Bible it talks about Israel marrying people who are unclean, filthy, vile, and don't know him and worship other gods. It tells us not to have an affinity with these people. It says not to want to make peace with them or want their wealth. Hasn't the U.S. done all of these things? Our leaders have tried to or have made peace with countries who hate us and our God. We have sought their wealth by investing our money in their countries in businesses. We have treaties with people who want our destruction or at least our down fall. Our president has affinity with people who don't have the best interest of our country in mind. How will this play out with God telling us not to do these things? It looks really bad for us.
Ezra 9
10 “Now, our God, what shall we say after this? For we have forsaken Your commandments, 11 which You have commanded by Your servants the prophets, saying, ‘The land which you are entering to possess is an unclean land with the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations which have filled it from end to end and with their impurity. 12 ‘So now do not give your daughters to their sons nor take their daughters to your sons, and never seek their peace or their prosperity, that you may be strong and eat the good things of the land and leave it as an inheritance to your sons forever.’ 13 “After all that has come upon us for our evil deeds and our great guilt, since You our God have requited us less than our iniquities deserve, and have given us an escaped remnant as this, 14 shall we again break Your commandments and intermarry with the peoples who commit these abominations? Would You not be angry with us to the point of destruction, until there is no remnant nor any who escape? 15 “O LORD God of Israel, You are righteous, for we have been left an escaped remnant, as it is this day; behold, we are before You in our guilt, for no one can stand before You because of this.”
The King James Version uses the word filthiness instead of uncleanness. It also uses the word affinity instead of intermarry. I like the word affinity because it can be applied to more than marriage.
Ezra 9
10 "And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? for we have forsaken your commandments, 11 Which you have commanded by your servants the prophets, saying, The land, to which you go to possess it, is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness. 12 Now therefore give not your daughters to their sons, neither take their daughters to your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever: that you may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever. 13 And after all that is come on us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that you our God have punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and have given us such deliverance as this; 14 Should we again break your commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? would not you be angry with us till you had consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping? 15 O LORD God of Israel, you are righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as it is this day: behold, we are before you in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before you because of this."
Affinity with people who do things that terrorists do is forbidden in the Bible. Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his followers have an affinity with terrorists. I seem to recall him saying that American chickens have come home to roost when he was talking about the attack on September 11, on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the crash in Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. An affinity with people who would murder thousands of people makes him just as vile. I believe that the people in his congregation who listen to this vile man are in affinity with him. They have joined themselves to this vile, filthy man. By doing so they are just as guilty as those who caused all this destruction of human life.
Now I have to ask myself if I am in any way in affinity with any of these people. Do I buy anything they sell? Do I speak out about their vile, despicable acts? Do I mistake their god for the one true God? I heard our president, President Bush, say something to the effect that their god, allah, and our God, Jehovah, are the same. That is a lie. Did President Bush have an affinity with our enemy? I have to find out if I have an affinity with the enemy in any way.
I know that I had an affinity with my enemy because I had a mortgage with a company that has as one of its stockholders someone who is trying to buy up parts of my country and this person is not our friend. I no longer have my mortgage with this company. My mortgage is now in the hands of an American owned company. I'm trying to change my "Affinity" with the enemy.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Blogger and My Firefox, Opera, Mozilla Browsers
I've read that stress can make the cholesterol high also. Hummmm? I wonder what could be causing the stress? Can't imagine.
Today I have to go to the police firing range so I have to stop now.
I do wish that Blogger and Firefox, Opera, Mozilla Browsers would all just get along. I keep having trouble with Blogger crashing anytime I finish a post and try to 'View the Blog'. My browser crashes. I've used each of the above browsers and they crash. I think it must be a bug within Blogger. There is no way to contact them so I'll just blog about it. Maybe they'll take note and fix things.
Blogger is also not allowing 'Comments' on my blog. I wonder why?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saving Money On Loans
I'll save around $12,000.00 on the refinancing. I wanted to get the loan from a local instead of having it with a giant company that couldn't care less and is having financial troubles itself. We cut our loan term from 18 to 15 years. The rate is two and a half percent lower. The payment is almost the same as before. So if all goes well we will pay our house sooner and cheaper. It is costing us some closing costs but the banks need all the help they can get. We the poor have to sacrifice so they can be richer.
There is a Muslim loan that charges no interest. The bank buys the house and the people pay back the loan without interest. It is only for Muslims. That would be nice if Americans would do this but it won't happen. I found out about this through researching Muslim banking Web sites. This seems to be the best aspect of Muslim faith.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hero Who Saved A Life Tonight
I went to my monthly bird club meeting today. I always enjoy being with people who like birds as much as I do. They are a very nice group of people.
I went to see my son and his wife and my grandchildren tonight. My daughter-in-law had gone to buy something to eat and I stayed to visit with my son about his plans for his garden. My daughter-in-law called and told my son that she had found a man on the side of the road and she stopped to ask him if he was okay. I'm sure there must have been something strange that made her think he might need help. He didn't answer her and she got out of her car and asked him if he was okay and he still didn't answer. She said that his arm was limp and he was turning blue. He wasn't breathing and he had no pulse. She did CPR on him and another car came along and stopped to help. They called an ambulance. She said the man had a pulse of 140 when she left. She is an RN and in charge of an oncology unit here in the city. She was a hero tonight. She said it's hard when you come down from an adrenaline rush like that. I hope the man will be alright. I feel very privileged to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tweaking Cookie Recipes
This last cookie tweak I took samples to my youngest son and his sons, my grandsons, and they liked them. I hope they weren't being kind. I told them to tell me what they thought so I can change the recipe for the better.
I would like to have more time to devote to making my own recipes so I could make my own recipe book with healthier recipes. I have lots of cook books but they call for white flour and white sugar. Every time I eat white flour I end up with a headache and lots of mucus. I have to clear my throat all the time.
One ingredient I use is Buckwheat flour. It has more protein in it than white flour. It is actually good for you. I'll write more about this recipe when I have it tweaked again. This next time I'm changing the amount of the flour. I'm using the same 2 cups but I'm going to use different quantities of the different flours. Fun, fun.
When my husband comes home some days and asks whats for dinner I have to tell him I have no idea. Even though there is something cooking on the stove I have no idea what it's called. Sometimes those are good and sometimes we agree not to try it again.
Writer's DreamKit Problem
Write Brothers, Inc.

I purchased this software on November 22, 2008 at the Apple Store her at Penn Square Mall. It is software to help me with the writing of my story. Boy do I need help. I installed it late last night, or should I say early in the morning. As I was doing the installation, which is facilitated over the Internet, I happened to notice it said that this is a trial version. I was very upset because I paid $64.97 for this software and no where on the box or the books inside the package did it mention that this is a trial version of the software.
I sent off an email to a place that sells this software and they responded to me quickly. The problem is they have nothing to do with making the software, only selling it. They were very helpful to let me know that if I had a serial number to insert in the installation process then it is the full version. I had the serial number and typed it in where it asked for it. Even so when it was installed there was the word "trial version" at the end of the process. I had also sent an email to the company that makes the software. I haven't heard a word from them. I wonder if I will hear from them. I'm mad that I paid $64.97 for a trial version. I'm worried that if I type in all the chapters I have written on my book and this software ends suddenly then all my work will be lost.
I would like to hear from this company soon because I wanted to start using the software or get my money back. I guess if I don't hear from them I'll file a complaint with the BBB. Then I'll complain to Apple Store. Then I don't know if I should use this software or not. I guess I can look for a forum that talks about this company and its products.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tea Time, Taxes, Tyranny

I had written my senator an email and at the end of it I wrote, "I think it's time for a Tea Party." I wrote that about four or five weeks ago. I had no idea that other people were planning to have Tea Parties around the country. I wish I'd known about it sooner because I would have been there. When I found out I had already made an appointment for my mother's physical therapy on her hand.
I hear there will be another Tea Party starting April 1st. This Tea Party is going to be different. This Tea Party will be tea bags sent to our congressmen and women in Washington DC. They want everyone opposed to all the new taxes and spending done by the new congress, senate, and president, to send tea bags in an envelope to Washington. Address the envelope to your congressman, senator, and I think even the president needs tea. Personally I think we should send the IRS some tea also. If things don't change I'm all for dumping the tea in the Boston harbor. Maybe there is a fountain at the White House that would be a good symbol for the Boston Tea Party. We are being taxed without representation. I heard that is called Tyranny.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Civil Disobedience
By Josiah Ryan, Staff Writer

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) (Photo courtesy of Coburn's Web site)
Earlier that same day, the Obama administration had announced it was “reviewing” a Bush administration regulation known as the “conscience clause.” That Health and Human Services regulation protects health-care workers at federally funded institutions from having to engage in practices that violate their moral or religious beliefs. These practices include performing or referring abortions, performing sterilizations, or giving or receiving training in these practices.
Federal funding is widespread in the health care sector owing to such programs as Medicare, Medicaid, the newly expanded SCHIP insurance program for children, and the many billions in federal funds spent each year on medical research.
The Obama administration’s “review” is considered the precursor to rescinding the regulation.
“I think a lot of us will go to jail,” Coburn told CNSNews.com when asked what would happen if the administration reverses the policy. “Let’s see them prosecute the first one of us for not doing that.”
By that comment, Coburn meant that doctors, himself included, are willing to defy the law before agreeing to perform medical procedures that violate their conscience, a Coburn spokesman clarified.
Coburn spoke to CNSNews.com after he delivered a speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
Bully for Dr. Coburn. What an awesome man. He is willing to go to jail for his values. Thank you Dr. Coburn. We do have treasure in Washington and it has nothing to do with the Treasury or with the Treasury secretary. I am so proud of Senator Coburn and I know there are millions of other people who are not from Oklahoma who are just as proud.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Betrayed By A Bird
traicionar Definition from Wiktionary Spanish Verb traicionar (first-person singular present traiciono, first-person singular preterite traicioné, past participle traicionado)
- to betray
I was trying to clean out a cabinet and going to remove three coffee mugs. The kind you carry in your car. I was looking at the lids for some coffee mugs and had the parrot in one hand and the lids in the other. I was going to put the lids in the hand I had my parrot in for a moment and wham, she bit me hard. I had to get her off me so I jerked her and she went to the floor. I went to the bathroom in pain. I got the alcohol and cotton and cleaned the wound. I also cleaned it with Hydrogen Peroxide and then I put an antibiotic gel on it. I cried, but it was mostly a moan from the gut.
I asked my husband to pick her up and put her in her cage. He found her climbing up the other parrots cage. He wouldn't touch her. He's been bitten by her really bad several times too.
I got a basket and picked up the parrot with it and put her in her cage. I won't touch her until tomorrow. I need to stop feeding her nuts for a while. If parrots get too much protein they get nasty. She had oatmeal, blueberries, and apple this morning. When I left the house I gave her some dried fruit. She had a chicken bone, cornbread, lettuce, tomato, pasta, potato when we ate dinner. After dinner she was wanting a nut so I gave her one. Only one. Then is when the bite happened. I shouldn't have held her in one hand and tried to pick up the lids in the same hand. It was my mistake and I paid for it dearly.
She is on a new diet with a lot less nuts and protein as of this moment. I'll have to find her something to snack on now. I got hugs from my husband and I felt better. He put a bandage on it over the ointment.
Wild animals are...wild animals. No matter how much you love them they are still wild. Reminds me of the lady who's face was torn off by the chimpanzee.
Charla Nash, the lady who recently had her face torn off by Travis the chimpanzee, made a mistake that most people make. What mistake is that? People forget that animals are not human and try to give them a human identity. The owner tried that by, well, here is part of the story about how the Chimpanzee was treated as a human.
- Conklin told reporters the chimp was acting so agitated earlier that afternoon that Herold gave him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea. Conklin also suggested the animal may have attacked Nash because she was wearing her hair differently and perhaps wasn't recognized.
As far as wearing her hair differently, that is a very real possibility. When I put a band around my hair to wash my face my second parrot goes nuts. He wants to get out of his cage and come get me. I'm positive it's not to kiss me. He's looking for blood. As soon as I take off the band he calms down a bit.
- The chimpanzee was well-known around Stamford because he rode around in trucks belonging to the towing company operated by his owners.
- Police have dealt with him in the past, including an incident in 2003 when he escaped from his owners' vehicle in downtown Stamford for two hours. Officers used cookies, macadamia treats and ice cream in an attempt to lure him, but subdued him only after he became too tired to resist.
- At the time of the 2003 incident, police said the Herolds told them the chimpanzee was toilet trained, dressed himself, took his own bath, ate at the table and drank wine from a stemmed glass. He also brushed his teeth using a Water Pik, logged onto the computer to look at pictures, and watched television using the remote control, police said.
- When he was younger, Travis appeared on TV commercials for Old Navy and Coca-Cola, made an appearance on the "Maury Povich Show" and took part in a television pilot, according to a 2003 story in The Advocate newspaper of Stamford.
- "He's been raised almost like a child by this family," Conklin said Monday. "He rides in a car every day, he opens doors, he's a very unique animal in that aspect. We have no indication of what provoked this behavior at all."
I hate to have my birds in a cage. They are left with the door open when possible. They are taken outside as much as possible to see and feel the out of doors. I want to have a place for them outside. They love it outside. It makes me sick to have them cooped up in this house all winter. Tomorrow and the next day will be warm enough to take them outside.
I feel sure this Chimpanzee would have loved to be outside with his own kind playing and romping about in the free open air being wild.
I don't hate the owners of wild animals because I am one. I was given my two parrots free. I would never have bought a parrot. First, because I didn't have the money and second, because the thought would never have occurred to me. You ask how did we end up with two parrots given to us free?
The story goes like this. My husband's cousin asked us to keep their parrot when it was very small, before it's feathers came in. His wife couldn't take care of the bird at that time. We kept the parrot for about three months. The bird got attached to me and so the cousin gave us the parrot. After years with the bird I knew it needed another bird to keep it company. It wanted a mate. We looked and looked for a mate for the bird. Nothing came available that would have been a good mate for her. Then one day we got a call from the bird club we belong to and they said that someone was wanting to get rid of their bird. We went to see it and they wanted us to take it home right then. We took the bird home and never heard from the owner again. I called the owner myself and told them it was doing fine. Now we have two parrots who were given to us free.
The second bird is a screamer. He has finally stopped screaming so much but he is not a mate for the first bird. It took him about three years to stop screaming so much. I think it was how I was reacting to him when he screamed and how his previous owner treated him when he screamed that kept it going for so long. Birds are conditioned by their environment and it's hard to change that conditioning. Birds love drama and if you react to something they do they will continue to do it. F O R E V E R. Or nearly forever. At least these two parrots keep each other company when I leave the house for a few hours. I hear them making noises to each other but they haven't fallen in love.
Actually my birdie betrayal is not really betrayal because these animals love differently than humans love. Birds will kill their own babies sometimes. I've seen cats kill baby kittens too. I think it was a wild male cat that killed a litter of kittens and not the mother cat. I think the wild male cat wanted the female cat to come back into heat so he killed the kittens. I could be wrong because I wasn't there. I just found the kittens dead in the morning. They had been born in the barn and there is were I found them dead after only living a few days. They were the most beautiful kittens. Made me sick.
I don't think all wild animals should be returned to the wild after being in captivity for years. I do think they need to be given places in the wild outdoors to enjoy and not kept inside a house or a cage all their lives. I've seen large birds kept in tiny cages and I don't understand how people can do that to a beautiful wild animal. I just wish people would realize that just because an animal is trained that doesn't mean it's not wild. They will resort to their wild nature when they are afraid or threatened.
When I heard about the woman who had her face torn off by the Chimpanzee I wondered if the Chimpanzee was not protecting his owner. If he was drugged it is no wonder things went very wrong. I think this animal should have been where it could have run wild and free every day of it's life in a large yard with other animals like it. It may have needed to mate with another Chimpanzee. Every year parrots go through a hormonal change that causes them to go nuts. They try to bite and can even try to kill anyone who gets between them and the person or bird they love. It's just instinct. They can't help it. No amount of punishment or loving will change this season of hormonal change. You can mark it on your calender because it will happen at the same time every year.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mammy How I Love Ya!
Hattie McDaniel



As an adult I learned that I had a Mammy of my own. She was my great-grandmother. She was actually called Mammy. All my life I wanted a Mammy to hold me and love me . I never got to meet her and never even knew her name until about three years ago at a family reunion. My aunt kept calling someone Mammy and when I asked who it was she told me it was my great-grandmother. I nearly cried. All this time I had my own Mammy and didn't even know it. Praise God.
Rufus Wainwright Swanee Lyrics:
Swanee, how I love you, how I love you
My dear old Swanee
I'd give the world to be among the folks in
D-I-X-I-E-ven now my mammy's waiting for me
Praying for me, down by the Swanee
The folks up north will see me no more
When I get to that Swanee shore
Swanee, Swanee,
I'm coming back to Swanee
Mammy, mammy,
I love the old folks at home
I love you Swanee
How I love you, how I love you
My dear old Swanee
I'd give the world if I could only be
Sitting on my mammy's knee
I love the old folks, I love the young folks
I love my honey lamb, I love 'em all in Alabammy
Mammy, mammy, my dear old mammy
The folks up north will see me no more
When I get to that Swanee shore
Lyrics: Swanee, Rufus Wainwright [end]
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cookie Comfort
I decided to try to tweak a chocolate chip cookie recipe I made. It contains some ingredients that most people don't normally have in their kitchens. I have an extra refrigerator in my garage so I can keep bags of flour in it so they don't go bad while waiting on me to cook. I love to cook and I have developed my own recipes through the years. Some recipes have taken many tries and other happened the first time. I have thrown out the old tries for this chocolate chip cookie recipe. Now I wish I had kept them for reference sake. I could have gone back to see what didn't work and what did. I make notes on the recipe card telling me if the recipe is too sweet, too dry, too grainy, too anything. After trying the recipe this weekend using Buckwheat flour I have decided that I like the previous recipe better. At the same time I want to incorporate Buckwheat flour into more of my recipes because it is much healthier than white flour. I have tried to stop using white sugar for the same reason.
For all those who are adventuresome and would like to try a healthier cookie here is the recipe.
Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Mix together and sift into a bowl.
1 cup 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat flour
1/2 cup Buckwheat flour
1/4 Cup Graham flour
1/4 Cup Oat flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Sift all flours, salt, soda, and baking powder together. This gets out any lumps from the baking powder.
In the mixer, I use a Kitchen Aid Mixer with the large paddle, combine the following ingredients.
2 sticks of unsalted butter softened
(I had unsalted butter on hand but if your salt intake is not restricted I see no reason you could not use salted butter. I'm not a cooking scientist.)
1 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Turbinado Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
2 large eggs
Beat until smooth and creamy.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients 1 cup at a time until all the dry ingredients are incorporated. Scrap down the sides of the mixer bowl and beat again until all is mixed well.
Add one 12 oz. package chocolate chips. I used Nestle Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips this time.
You may add:
2 cups Old Fashioned Oat Meal
(This is the ingredient that I forgot to add to the cookie dough. I will remember next time because I love Oat Meal in my cookies.)
Bake at 350 degrees on greased cookie sheet. Bake about 9-10 minutes.
This recipe seemed to have a gritty feel in my mouth when it was warm. I didn't notice the gritty feeling after the cookies had cooled. I don't know how adding the oat meal will change this grittiness.
This is the sugar I used in this recipe. I love this sugar.

Sugar In The Raw Turbinado Sugar is made using 100% pure Hawaiian cane sugar from the initial pressing of the cane, allowing the natural molasses to remain in the crystals. The flavor is sweet and rich. The color is natural amber.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Am I Necessary?
I felt so tired all day yesterday because I stayed up until 5:00 am today. I laid around and slept. I ironed clothes. About 9:00 pm I started to get ready to do down to the 4th of July Celebration on the river. There was a Phil Harmonic Orchestra, rides, food, thousands of people. My husband told me he had invited my mom to go. I was not thrilled. We went and picked her up and on the way there she saw a place on the side of the road where people were gathering and mom said, "Just let Joe and I out here and you can get lost." I can't remember what I said. I think it was, "You want to get rid of me and have Joe?"
Mom also told me that she had told Joe that we were going to Yukon's Festival. Either that or she said that they had decided to go to Yukon's 4th of July Festival. I told her I hadn't decided where I was going and I started to name all the places where there were events for the 4th of July. I did this instead of confronting her and him. It hurts to know that your nothing but a spare tire. I felt like that in my first marriage.
The guy I was married to the first time would go and to talk to his mom every day after work. He would come home from work and change clothes and then head straight for his mom's house. They lived right next to us on ten acres. They would make plans for everything and then they would come and tell me what they were going to do. If I wanted to go along I could go and if not they didn't care. It was as if my mother-in-law was the wife instead of me. That went on in my first marriage with my mother-in-law and now my own mother wants to do the same thing to me.
I don't understand why this happens? These guys must have something in common. I know the common denominator is me but other than that what is it? What am I doing wrong or what is it about them? I know that my husband now will talk to his family and then when I ask what they talked about he just says nothing much. Yet they talk for a long time. I wonder if he is making plans with them and I'll find out later. I know he has made plans with his friends to go places and then he tells me about it. He never consults me unless he needs something from me. Maybe I'm not necessary.
Am I Smart?
Last week, Thursday, my mom had a dental appointment and I offered to go with her in case she needed help driving. When we got on N.W. Expway going East from Rockwell she told me to get in the left lane. I asked whey and she realized she was turned around. The dentist office is inside a large office building and I stayed out in the hallway. It's really nice in the hallway because they have lots of plants and several small fountains with fish. I sat down and wrote checks to pay my bills. After her appointment we walked around the walk-way inside the building because it is so beautiful there and then we went to Wal-Mart.
In the Wal-Mart parking lot she didn't want me to park her car by the shopping basket return. I wasn't going to park there in the first place. I had only driven by while finding a place to park. I found a place three spaces from the basket return and asked if three spaces was too close and she called me a "smart ass." Then she said that I had only wanted to come because I wanted to shop at Wal-Mart. I thought for a few minutes while we walked into Wal-Mart. I decided to respond because I had only wanted to help her. I told her that when I called her I had no idea she was going to Wal-Mart. She told me she was going to the dentist and I only wanted to help her. She apologized. I accepted and forgot about it. We were going to get her makeup and stopped at the clothes and we stayed there. I tried on all kinds of clothes. She sat in the dressing room with me.
She told me she was going to get her makeup after we got through in the clothes section. As soon as she got her makeup she wanted to leave. She wouldn't say what was wrong. I hadn't finished shopping and felt irritated. I kept asking her if she could sit at MacDonalds and eat something. She was holding her stomach so I thought she was hungry. She kept saying she needed to go home.
Was I smart to call her and offer to help? She seems to think I'm a smart ass. I guess I should have told her, "Thank you, I am smart enough not to park your car next to the shopping basket return." I know she feels bad a lot of times but she won't tell me what is wrong so it is very difficult to know what what to do. I knew she wanted to go home and she was holding her stomach. It is very frustrating to go with someone someplace and then suddenly they want to leave with no explanation. She has done that other times and as soon as she is finished shopping she wants to go. It doesn't matter if I'm shopping or not. I imagine she is sick and doesn't want to tell me. I think it is because she doesn't want to worry me or to have me try to fix her. I thought it was because she just wanted to control the situation. Who knows?
Grandma's Trinket Box
I also want you to have a trinket box I found in grandma's hope chest. I opened it last spring early in the morning and caught the sun's first rays, and the smell of the morning mist on the magnolia. Keep it and take what you need, but leave some for tomorrow.
Lie down here beside me my precious, and I'll sing you a lullaby. It begins with love, and ends with love, and in the middle is the story of Jesus. A love lullaby through and through. If the angels join in it will be a lullaby symphony made just for you.
Shhh...Listen! Do you hear God's whispering wind in the magnolia tree? The wind is God's breath saying, "I love you." Maybe that's why it's December and the magnolia leaves are still green. If God's breath can make the leaves green, just think what it will do for you. So when you're in a stuffy house full of stuffy people, open the bottle of wind and listen to Him whisper, "I love you."
Remember too grandma's trinket box filled with the spring morning sunrise and the smell of mist. With it you'll always have the hope of Spring in December. It wasn't in grandma's hope chest for nothing.
These are my Christmas gifts to you. The bottle of wind, grandma's trinket box, and my love lullaby. Listen now as I hum it for you. It is the same song the wind sings in the magnolia leaves, "I love you through and through."
[I wrote this as a Christmas gift for my two sons, James and David, many years ago, some where around 1989.]